Terraino Adventures: Gods & Monsters
Amoria – Siren of Light, Prosperity and Good Fo...
Symbol: An eye in the middle of the sun Priests and the Churches of Amoria and Kronis both speak and read the language of the light called Anduin.Amoria is usually depicted...
Amoria – Siren of Light, Prosperity and Good Fo...
Symbol: An eye in the middle of the sun Priests and the Churches of Amoria and Kronis both speak and read the language of the light called Anduin.Amoria is usually depicted...
The Gods of Althinon
After a cosmic struggle thousands of years ago between the gods of the light and the gods of the Abyss, only a few of the old gods survived. Most peoples in...
The Gods of Althinon
After a cosmic struggle thousands of years ago between the gods of the light and the gods of the Abyss, only a few of the old gods survived. Most peoples in...