Loki - From Never Crafting to Tabletop Terrain Crafting Pro

Loki - From Never Crafting to Tabletop Terrain Crafting Pro

Terraino builder, Loki, had never done any kind of crafting before but he decided to take the plunge into making his very own Terraino set. "I was looking into 3D printers and for some reason the FB Terraino ad kept coming up, so I said, 'Let's give it a try.'" 

Not only did he make pieces from the Terraino Basics Manual but he also built a complete winter lodge for his players using pieces for the Taverns & Towns Manual and LED torches from the Tech Manual. Right from the first session using Terraino, his games were changed for the better. "One of my veteran players (20+ years) has never had any 3D terrain and he was super excited about it. Really my inspiration to build bigger and better is getting their reactions."

Terraino is built around super cheap materials that, until the recent changes brought on by Covid-19, were all readily available almost anywhere. Luckily, stores like Dollar Tree and Walmart are still open in most places but there's always the Terraino Amazon store too."I just purchased the books and took off on it, went to Dollar Tree the next day, Amazon Prime on all the other items and that did me in. I'm having fun with it, trying to create my own pieces (made a hearth using an arch wall ) and just keeping my mind and hands occupied."

Check out his 5 star Terraino review and pictures of his Terraino set below!

"Literally, we are almost completely locked down here and I'm so glad I grabbed Terraino when I did. I'm not a normal crafter type and Terraino was really easy to follow and pick up quickly. I've done everything from basic to even the tech items, giving my game sessions a lot more depth and understanding to the players surrounding even during online play.

Having a modular system like this is amazing, being able to repurpose all the pieces you've already crafted to make even bigger and more intricate builds.

And the cost is peanuts compared to 3D printing or trying to purchase all the terrain from elsewhere.

The community is amazingly helpful and always encouraging. Between the videos, the links to the tools you may need, and all of the templates in Terraino, this is a must for any GM to give a more personal, realistic and immersive feel to their games." - Loki

Ready to take the plunge and build your own set? Get started with the Terraino Construction Manuals.



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Not gonna lie, your stuff is awesome. I wish I could do it but I have zero arts n craft skills. I am better suited to coming up with new game ideas, stories, characters and stuff. I also cannot apint worth a darn… :(

Michael Oblinger

Wow! Thank you! Never thought I’d be crafty but I had a drive to make my games more interesting and this was so much fun!


SO DAMN PROUD OF MY DM!!!!! his builds are awesome and super engaging! Eventually I’ll get some from him as background props for my minis and for my @diceporn photos :D

John E Lotspeich

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