Terraino Adventures: Heroes & Villains
Endeller Maysfellow
Most weefolk in the city of Loridon have two career paths: conman or merchant. Some would say they are one and the same.
Endeller Maysfellow
Most weefolk in the city of Loridon have two career paths: conman or merchant. Some would say they are one and the same.
En'rel Amelthin
As a child, he spent his days playing his lute for friends and the occasional coin. But then came the Blight.
En'rel Amelthin
As a child, he spent his days playing his lute for friends and the occasional coin. But then came the Blight.
Ensis Faladrin Fumplestil Stonehoarder
You would think that Ensis would have been revered in his place of birth, The Sardon Empire, a nation whose entire society is built around feeding the insatiable war machine.
Ensis Faladrin Fumplestil Stonehoarder
You would think that Ensis would have been revered in his place of birth, The Sardon Empire, a nation whose entire society is built around feeding the insatiable war machine.